Salt Room
The salt room is a full–fledged imitation of a natural salt cave with a microclimate recreating the sea air. It is designed for wellness, rejuvenation and relaxation. The unique combination of humidity and temperature, a certain pressure, the presence of ions in the air: sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium and iodine has a beneficial effect on vital body systems. The procedures are accompanied by birdsong, the sound of the forest, the murmur of a stream and visualized images of nature. Such prevention is equivalent to a rest at sea or in the mountains in terms of health effects.
Session duration: 40 minutes.
The cost of the session: 1000 rubles; for children 0-5 years old — 500 rubles.
A course of 10-15 sessions is recommended.
Advance booking is required by phone +7 812 324 4173