Excursion with a visit to Eliseev`s library

Excursion with a visit to Eliseev`s library
Excursion with a visit to Eliseev`s library
Excursion with a visit to Eliseev`s library
Excursion with a visit to Eliseev`s library
In addition to the pristine decoration, it is in the library all the original Art Nouveau furniture has been preserved, it survived the revolution, World War II and the blockade.

On our tour you will be able to see the incredibly beautiful staircase that the owners of the palace climbed, magnificent halls (including the Baccarat hall with a unique parquet floor — there was no such thing even in the Winter Palace), the office of the owner of the house and others. The duration of the tour is 1.5 hours.


  • Saturday 12:00
  • Sunday 11:00

We will be happy to arrange an individual tour for you on any day upon request.

Tour Manager "O!sobnyak":


+7 924 554 1717