Junior Suite
Room description
Area:45 m2
Capacity: x 3
The Junior Suites consist of a cozy bedroom and a living room or one spacious room. The classic interiors are decorated in muted pastel tones. The windows offer stunning views of Bolshaya Morskaya Street, the Moika River embankment (one-room suite), Nevsky Prospekt (rooms with a balcony) or the courtyard. The bathrooms are decorated with natural materials – marble and onyx.
In the more spacious rooms 1 extra bed can be installed for the 3rd guest for an additional fee:
- euro cot - 3000 rubles per night
- fixed bed - 7000 per night (on request).
Upon request you can connect to another Junior Suite or Superior Room, which is convenient for family accommodation (at least 1 adult must be specified in each room to book).
Historical dinners at the Taleon Imperial Hotel
We invite guests to historical dinners and lectures in the interiors of the Eliseev mansion. -
Morning awakening in the Eliseev Bath complex
Rent a sauna complex and special treatments to choose from. -
Happy do not observe the time
Special offer for accommodation in the Premium Suite "A.S.Griboedov" overlooking Nevsky Prospekt.Book this promo