Happy do not observe the time
In 2024 comedy of A.Griboedov "Woe from Wit" turns 200 years old. This play, written in 1824, remains one of the most relevant and widely read works of Russian literature today.
In honor of the literary jubilee Taleon Imperial Hotel launches a special offer for accommodation in the Premium Suite "A.S.Griboedov" overlooking Nevsky Prospekt.
The rate includes:
- welcome compliment from the hotel upon arrival
- buffet breakfast in the Atrium cafe
- a voucher for signature cocktail and a 20% discount at the Gastronomic Bar Griboedov*
- the option to join a tour of the Eliseev Mansion (if there is an excursion during the period of stay and places in the tour group)**
- complimentary access to the SPA complex with a swimming pool and saunas.
- access to the gym
- 2 bottles of mineral water in the room daily
- complimentary WiFi
Check-in time 14.00
Departure time: 12.00
*The bar is located on the ground floor of the Talion Imperial Hotel and has a separate entrance from the Moika River embankment. SUN-THU: from 14:00 to 23:30 FRI-SAT: from 15:00 to 01:00, live music from 20:00 to 23:00
**To clarify the schedule of excursions and book a place, please contact the tour manager. Tel.: +7 924 554 17 17 , e-mail: excursion@o-sobnyak.ru .
A mandatory fee is charged for registration of all foreign citizens: RUB 200.00 per guest for the entire period of stay.
When booking an early check-in, breakfast on the day of arrival is not included and is charged additionally.